Relaxation and Stress Reduction

When you are stressed and tense, your muscle tighten up producing pain, which in turn causes the body to produce more stress hormones. Break the cycle with a therapeutic massage which by relaxing the body, will in-turn relax your mind.

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Reduce Pain and Assist Healing

Injury cause pain and the body's response to pain is the release of chemicals that cause the muscles to contract and reduce the flow of blood, and thus oxygen to the area, causing more pain. Therapeutic massage can release and restore blood and lymphatic flow to aid the body in its natural healing process.

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Reduce Inflammation

The lymphatic system moves fluids through body, detoxifying and regenerating tissues. Lymphatic drainage is a manual massage method which assists the body's natural system to reduce swelling, clear toxins, relieve pain, and stimulate the body's immune system.

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